Canadian Overseas Petroleum Ltd.
Barron Flats Miscible Gas
Contact our office for additional information. 303-279-0877
Trail and Canyon Creek
Contact our office for additional information. 303-279-0877
Dripping Rock Field, Wyoming; Celcius Energy Company
in January 1992, International Reservoir Technologies, Inc (IRT), had just completed an initial reservoir study consisting of six (6) wells located in the Dripping Rock Field, Sweetwater County, Wyoming. Subsequent to completion of the initial study, additional wells were placed on production with plans to drill an additional number of wells. IRT was contacted by Celcius Energy Company to update the initial reservoir study to characterize the reservoir and predict recoverable gas reserves for the existing wells. Several prediction cases were run to evaluate the impact of additional development drilling.
Contact our office for additional information.
Henry Unit, Sweetwater Co., Wyoming: Washington Energy
Contact our office for additional information. 303-279-0877
Royal Draw, Wyoming; Duncan Energy
Contact our office for additional information. 303-279-0877
Sun Ranch Field, Wyoming; UMC Petroleum
International Reservoir Technologies performed a compositional modeling study of gas cycling expansion in this volatile oil reservoir. The interpretations of both reservoir sandstone distribution and structure were input into the simulation model. The model was then history matched and used to develop a reservoir injection and production scheme that accounted for the effects of offsetting production. IRT presented the results to the Wyoming Oil & Gas Conservation Commission for project sanctioning