PDC/Transitional Energy
Pearce Field
Contact our office for additional information. 303-279-0877
HRS Water Consultants
Contact our office for additional information. 303-279-0877
Cutthroat Field, Colorado, Celsius
The Cutthroat Field is a large carbonate mound deposit and has been studied to determine the potential benefits of CO2 injection. A VIP compositional model is the basis upon which a development and management plan has been created.
Contact our office for additional information. 303-279-0877
Paradox Basin, Colorado
IRT has played an integral role within volatile oil / carbonate reservoir projects of the Paradox Basin, and continues as part of an extended reservoir management team, coordinating field operations and drilling decisions with geoscientists and performing simulation model history match and future performance predictions. IRT also interacts with state and federal agencies on behalf of client(s), regarding the environmentally and historically sensitive issues of the Four Corners area.
Contact our office for additional information
. 303-279-0877
Island Butte Field, Colorado; Celsius Energy
An integrated study to characterize and define the extent of the field. The reservoir is a large carbonate mound deposit, and has been redefined by performing attribute analyses on 3-D seismic data. Estimates of total mound thickness and net pay thickness have been estimated in this fashion. Each new reservoir description has been input into a VIP compositional model, the updated model is matched to actual field performance, and the resulting model used to establish and update the development and management plan for the field. In this way, the model acts as a living tool for the management of the reservoir.
Mamm Creek Field, Colorado; Encana
Contact our office for additional information. 303-279-0877
Raton Basin Colorado; RSI / Evergreen
Contact our office for additional information. 303-279-0877